High Speed Digital Design: EE173 & EE173L, Fall 2018
Class Home Page

Last Update: 12.06.2018

Lecture Room: Soc Sci 2, 159 TTH 3:20-4:55pm
Laboratory: JBE 161, W 5-7pm
Instructor: S.C. Petersen, Email Instructor
Office: MW 2:30 to  3:30pm;  BE251

Midterm Exam:  TBA
Final Exam: TBA

Note: Access to some of the content on this site requires that you be enrolled in the class.
If you are, simply logging in with your UCSC Blue account is all that's required.
Questions regarding this website or requests for access should be directed to the instructor


10.14.2018 Homework 2 has been posted. It covers the remainder of Ch-1 and should be doable by the due date next Tuesday.

10.01.2018 Students wanting to purchase the lecture notes can do so by directly placing an individual order downstairs with Prof. Publishing; cost is $13.66. I have also posted the entire series in the Lecture Notes & Papers folder.